Purpose and Benefit of an Athletic Trainer on Campus
In cooperation with physicians and other Allied Healthcare Professionals, the Athletic Trainer functions as an integral member of the athletic health care team.
Lodi's Athletic Trainer is a nationally certified, and state licensed healthcare professional, educated and experienced in the management of athletic health care problems. The Athletic Trainer functions in cooperation with other medical personnel, athletic administrators, coaches, and parents in development of appropriate health care protocols.
Main Responsibility of Athletic Trainer:
- First Aid and Emergency Care - The Athletic Trainer is the first line of medical care for Lodi athletes and if fully certified in Professional CPR, AED, and first aid.
- Injury Assessment - All Lodi sports related injuries should be reported to the Athletic Trainer in a timely manner for proper evaluation, at which point the best course of injury management will be determined. Please note: Injuries sustained at home or in non-Lodi sports are not the responsibilities of the Athletic Trainer.
- Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation exercises, stretches, and modalities can be completed in the athletic training office for most injuries. Hours for rehabilitation must be scheduled in advance with the Athletic Trainer, and a note is required for all injuries that have been seen by a physician.
- Medical Eligibility - In coordination with the school nurse, the Athletic Trainer is responsible for determining medical eligibility.
In order to be eligible to participate in a sport the student athlete must have an up to date physical on file and have submitted all aspects of the athletic packet.
In order to participate in a Lodi sponsored sport you must have had a physical done by a physician within the last year. Each physical lasts 1 year from the date of the exam. You must also hand in a Lodi Athletic Packet.
ALL paperwork must be completed PRIOR to the official start of each season. Additionally, all athletes sustaining injuries must receive clearance from the Athletic Trainer prior to returning to play.